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Big Bench #122
In 2018, the municipality of Collebeato, in the province of Brescia, won the prestigious “Città per il Verde” award given in recognition of its sound environmental policy.
Today it pays tribute to this award and to the stunning local area with the bright green Big Bench #122. It is the first object of its kind in the Colline di Brescia Park which, with its 4000 hectares, forms an essential green ecosystem in the Lombardy region.
To reach it, you can park in Campiani and from there, take the 3V trail up to Mount Peso, following the signs to the Big Bench. Or you can begin with the Concesio trail, north of Brescia, and continue along a route through the woods, over a slight but constant climb that will take you from the Monastery of Santo Stefano to Mount Peso. The Big Bench is located at an altitude of 600 m.